Monday, February 14, 2011

Weight and eating + lifting + the world and night owls

Weight & Eating
Weighed in at 218 today.  Measurement day is tomorrow (Tuesday) so stay tuned. I am expecting some interesting results. 

Eating is an issue though.  I can barely eat.  I have NO appetite. Even on my binge day I had a tough time getting food down my gullet. 2 HB eggs and some beans this morning felt like a turkey day feast. Even as I am writing this, one egg and some beans are staring up at me, challenging me to eat them. And its a challenge that is tough. I will win though. 

Lifting yesterday was fun. And short. I am thinking of adding one exercise to each protocol, but I keep reading Tim's suggestion to resist to do more.  It's just the eyes of the people at the front desk judging me as I leave after 20 minutes thats pushing for more.  Stupid peer pressure.  

Protocol A 
Pull Downs - palms facing me this time - 7 x 100lbs - I would say I did this to failureish.  Again it was my hands that failed, not my back. I did another set, only 5 reps though.  

Shoulder Press - 80 for 6.5 reps - till failure for sure.  There were 2 meat heads watching me and laughing when I stalled out on the 7th rep and came down with it slow.  I was about 15 seconds from puking.  Don't read too much into the difference in weight.  One of the aforementioned meat heads was on the machine I used last time, so I had to switch to a more traditional press machine with pulleys. The one I did last time was with plates. I will use this press from now on though, as I like the movement much better. 

Night Owls
Why does the rest of the world have to conform to the early birds?  Why can't there be a week or month where they conform to our schedule?  It has nothing to do with being lazy, I just get much more done between 10pm and 2am.  I always have. Additionally, when I get home from class around 9:30 - 10:00pm, its tough to go right to bed.  Do you go to bed an hour after you get home from work? No. You have dinner, a drink, watch some tv, read a book, whatever.  This being my FINAL SEMESTER of school FOR EVER (no PhD - I think), my thinking may change one day. But for now, it stays as a challenge to the rest of the world. Give it a shot. 

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