Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Summer Reading List

Since my defunct math skills are preventing me from taking any classes this summer, I have begun to complie reading list for the summer. Usually what I do is look up a book that I know I want to read on Amazon, then look at their "Customers who bought this also bought these" list and go from there. I also check out the Modern Librarys Librarian and Readers top novels list. I also check out the non-fiction part occasionally. So far, this system works wonderfully.

I found out about the modern library list when I was lving in San Fran. I was working at Pinnacle Fittness and one of the guests always came in carrying interesting books (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for one). I asked him about them and he said he was a lit prof at SF State and used this list for his students to vote on what they would like to read. He selected 2, they seleceted 2. Very democratic I must say. Anyway, I have been working my way down the list for years.

Modern Library

I am listening to Atlas Shrugged. Listening, becuase I have read it a few times and now its just plain fun. Anytime I am feeling lazy about work, school or life, it's themes provide me the reason and drive to keep churning along.

Started this one. Uses boring tools from Econ and Stats class to show real resons behind many issues and problems in society. Really really cool...

The World is Flat
One I have heard "I should read". Not really sure who said it, but ok.. I'm game.

On Bullshit
Need I say more

Crime and Punishment
It's on the modern library's list, and one I should probably read. A friend read it and loved it, mostly for the bold speech style.

Kimithica also gave me this one. I can't wait to get going on in, but Freak kinda got in the way of that...its but next.

Ultimately I have more than this to read for the summer, just what I have trown on the list as of now... more to come...

Cahill OUT!!

1 comment:

Kim Lacey said...

I'm always hesitant to rely upon "best of lit" lists, because they're usually too canonical. However, this one's not bad, and I'm impressed that even Rushdie squeezed in there. Anyway, I'll loan you the book on your list (they're all floating around here somewhere) and I'll throw in _God Delusion_ and _Discipline and Punish_ while you're at it.