Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best roast beef ever...

My brother gave me cooking method for his beef roasts and it's awesome, so I thought I'd share.  For this particular roast, it was a 4.5lb rump roast (the one with the string on it).  In a perfect world I would have done a higher cut of meat, but I am a broke grad student and it's all I can afford right now. 

Get the meat home, unpack it, and dry it off.  Then put your rub into a large ziplock baggie and coat it throughly.  If you dont have a rub to use, you can use mine which is below, it's awesome. 

RUB - 1 tbs of each: Garlic Powder, Ground Mustard, Black Pepper, Salt

Take your roast out of the baggie - I put a baggie on my hand and just grabbed it - and put it on the roasting pan, FAT SIDE UP.  You want the fat side up so the fat will cook during the process and send flavor inward.

Take a meat thermometer and place it as center as possible to the roast.  Once inserted into the beef, make sure its as close to the middle as possible. 

Take 2 cups of beef broth and about 1-3 tbs of red wine vinegar and put them at the bottom of your roasting pan.  This will allow the roast to stay moist and provide you with an au jus if you want one for later. 

Let the roast sit for 3 hours. Yes that's right 3 hours.  You want the roast to warm up about 10 degrees.  You'll know this because the temp on the beef will go up.  Mine was around 38 degrees when I put my thermometer in, and when I put it in the oven, it was around 47.  This will cut a good amount of time off of your cook time.  Do not worry about it 'going bad' or anything like that.  Aged beef is left out for days!  

Now, the temps are VERY important, and please do keep in mind the size of your roast.  This one cooked fast at about 2 hours, start to eating.  Set your oven to 480.  Once preheated, put your roast in and leave it at that temp for about 10 minutes.  If your roast is larger or you like a more crispy crust, go longer.  After how mine came out, I probably should have gone for 15 minutes.  I wouldnt go over 15 tough. 

Once you hit the 10 minute mark, turn your oven down to 220 and leave it until your roast hits the desired temp.  The desired temps are tricky.  This roast was a 4lb roast and I waited until it hit 120 because I like my meat medium rare.  The larger the roast, the lower the temp for a medium rare meat.  So if you have a 20 lb roast, maybe something like 105 is best.  Remember, these a large pieces of beef and continue to cook for up to 30 minutes after you remove them from the oven.

Once your desired temp is achieved, take the roast out of the oven, but leave it in the roasting pan.  Flip the roast so the fat side is now down. 

Let the roast sit for about 20 minutes.  This will allow for it to cool down a bit.  If you cut into the meat too early, all the moisture in the meat will drain out.  

As you can see, mine came out pretty good, with the outside 1/4 inch crusty.  

I like mine with Heinze Horseradish sauce. Pretty awesome. 

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