Sunday, February 13, 2011

2nd binge day

10:30 am - weighed in at 220.5 - I've been hovering around this weight for a while, but I know I am losing inches.

11:00am - AG stack (400 mg, 750mg)11 minute cold shower

11:15 - 2 HB eggs, pinto beans, + kraut

1:15 - 40 air squats + AG stack (600 mg, 750mg)

1:30pm - Six inch Subway chicken sandwich + small bag of Doritos.  I couldn't finish the sandwich. Still have another 6 inch in the fridge. Looks like its Kim's! I also had a single bite from three different doughnuts.

3:30 - 30 sit ups and 20 air squats

3:45 - 1 swiss cake roll

6:30 - AG stack (500 mg, 750 mg)
7:00 - 1 cup brown rice + chicken + vegetables + teriyaki sauce

7:30 - 1 fork-full red velvet cake, 5oz ice cream - I bought 4 of the little 5oz ice creams of varying flavors and had 1/4 each.

8:45 - 5oz white cheddar popcorn

9:00pm - 2 chocolate + shortbread cookies

11:00am 2/13/2010 - 219.5lbs

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