Monday, February 28, 2011

Still recovering...and Occam's Protocol B today

Yesterday I must have had a 1.5 gallons of water to drink.  I took a short cold shower (4 mins) because I was hung over and had a headache.  I figure one day is not going to ruin the entire experiment. I felt so dehydrated and beat down. I cannot believe how little I had to drink over 4 hours and how much it messed me up. Additionally, how on earth did I survive my 20's?

At least today is leg day!  I weighed in this morning at 216.  I know its 1 lb more than yesterday, but read my earlier sentence.  Back to the hobo diet and damn it - my brothers birthday party is this weekend.  I was going to skip a binge day this week, but we shall see.  Birthday cake is a crazy thing.

For those interested, breakfast was 2 hb eggs, some pinto beans + kraut + coffee.

Occam's Protocol B today.
Squats, Incline bench, and the newly added preacher curl.  I will update later with weights and reps, but I expect the squat weight to be 185 and around 8 reps.  Still closing in on 10.

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