Friday, March 4, 2011

Occam A workout today and a change in cold plans

Occam A
I had a headache walking into the gym today. Added to that I had a 2pm phone appointment and it was 1:30 when I walked in.  The headache really prevented me from getting a good workout in.  Just not a good mindset to have when wanting a good workout.  The pressure built up bigtime as the workout began and you can tell how it affected my results.

Pull Down - 130lb 7 reps - this is too heavy. I increased the weight either too much or too early. Going back down to the 120 next time.  While I did do 7 reps, they were not a good solid 7. Maybe more like 5.5 or 6. Headache maybe.

Shoulder Press - 80 lb for 6 reps. I still am hitting a wall here. This is by far my weakest muscle set, but I can say with certainty my headache really affected this exercise.  

Lat Pull down - 120 for 5 reps. Again the headache here was in full force and the weight was too heavy.  When adding the new exercises I am wiling to give them 1-3 workouts to find a good weight to use. I should have stopped due to my exploding head, but I wanted to keep going for the sake of the experiment.

Bosu crunch - 18 reps - these I did until failure. Hoping for 22 next time.

Change in cold plans
My school schedule is beginning to get pretty hectic.  This means less time for other things, like a 15 minute shower in the morning.  I have 24 days of data with a 10 minute cold shower and 3 showers at a minimum of 5 minutes. Some of those 10 minuters were 11 or 12 minutes too, so it could average out ok.  Needless to say, I have a decent data set to work with.

I have decided for the month of March to do the cold pack every other night for 20 minutes and compare the results.  I just got a new replacement pack from Kaz Incorporated - the one we bought had a leak from day one - and its about 16 inches long and 5 inches wide. It goes all across my back, so I know coverage is ample.

My first day of the cold pack was 3/2/2011.

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