Saturday, March 12, 2011

Binge Meal

I cheated today and stepped on the scale.... I weighed in at 212lbs! WOOT!  Still keeping the strategy at one binge meal, not 2, and not anything I can shovel in.  It was really tough today because I went to a birthday party (3rd in 4 weeks) and had NO pizza, NO cake, NO ice cream and NO philipino food (which looked delicious!).  I had my fillet and broccoli. 

My binge meal was 3 pieces of pepperoni pizza with extra cheese + 1 snack bag of cool ranch doritos + 3 girl scout cookies.  

I am headed over to a friends house tomorrow and someone there will be making gourmet pizza. Might be too tough to pass up. I guess one extra meal wont kill me eh? 

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