Friday, March 11, 2011

Book Sale Results!

Went to the local library's book sale today and got some gems for a grand total of $13.50.
Here they are with Amazon links

Ugly Americans - Ben Mezrich
Who's Looking Out for You? - Bill O'Reilly
The New Realities - Peter Drucker
Ronald Reagan In Private - Jim Kuhn
Getting to Yes - Roger Fisher and William Ury
Real Money - Jim Kramer
The Age of Turbulence - Alan Greenspan
Rigged - Ben Mezrich - I already own this, got it so I could give it out as a gift
The Way Things Ought to Be - Rush Limbaugh
Next Man Up - John Feinstein - I listen to "The Tony Kornheiser" show and he's a constant guest. Figured I'd give him a shot. Possible gift for my step-brother
Leadership - Rudy Giuliani
7 Habits - Steve Covey - for my dad. He cant find his copy
A Good Walk Spoiled - John Feinstein - for my dad as a gift
The Majors - John Feinstein - for my dad as a gift

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