Monday, May 9, 2011

Starting Over with the Slow Carb Diet and Occam's Protocol

Today I am starting over. I had a 2 week hiatus for celebratory reasons, and now it's time to get back to work.  I did not hit my goal of 205 by graduation - missed it by 1lbs - but I will take it as a victory since I was starting 230 in the face in January. 

Here are my measurements that I will be starting from.  Weighed in at 213.5 - a gain of 7 lbs from my last weigh in 2 weeks ago.  Yes it's a lot to gain in a short period of time, but, I ate and drank about as terribly as I could and only worked out once. If I were to stop this diet all together, I wouldn't typically have the schedule I had. 

AGG stack has started up again as well.  I found a "Natures Made" garlic tab at Costco and am going to give it a shot.  I took 2 a day during the last week of dieting and I did not stink up the place, so we shall see. 

And what would a re-start be without the cold showers?! Yes, I will begin those as well.  If you go back and look at my weight loss, I lost the most in February by far, and that's when I was doing the more aggressive approach to the cold therapy. 

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