Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My favorite gadget

Ok. So its been a while. I seem to say that each time.

Oh well.

I got to use my favorite gadget the other day. The Kenmore Vacum with the Intelli-clean system. It's awesome. It has this colored light system that I was sure was bogus, but, after hours of use, I am sure it works.

Case in point, when I was moving, I vacumed my bedroom with my vacum, then with the Kenmore. This room was an addition onto the house. After I finished with the Kenmore, there was LOTS of drywall dust that the other vacum did not pick up.

I have since used it 2x in my current location and i swear it works like a charm. This may not be the best vacum for stairts, but, wow its awesome.

Check it out!


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