Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WW day 1 - Monday July 21, 2008

This is my first try at the Weight Watchers diet. I did the no carb thing for 2 weeks, lost about 15 pounds, and now that my appetite is smaller, am giving this a try.

I am starting with 40 points a day, then pulling back 1 pt a week till i hit 35.

I havent weighed myself in over a week, but my last weigh in was 244. I will weigh in Wednesday.

So, Day 1 eats are:

turkey, lettice, cheese, tomato sandwhich 360 cal 7.2 pts

turkey, lettice, cheese, tomato sandwhich 360 cal 7.2 pts

Cheetos asteroids 100 cal 2 pts

yogurt parfait 160 cal 3.2 pts

popcorn 100 cal bag 2 pts

Lawash sandwhich 200 cal 4 pts

Rice 200 cal 4 pts

Peas 200 cal 4 pts

Popcorn 300 cal 6 pts

TOTAL FOR DAY: 40 points

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