Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lucky or Smart

Just finished "Lucky or Smart" by Bo Peabody.  It was ok. I liked his opening chapters message: Lucky things happen to entrepreneurs who start fundamentally innovative, morally compelling, and philosophically positive companies. He contends that lucky entrepreneurs are those that understand that often times things fall together not because of a strategy, but because the entrepreneur formed the right team and allowed them to lead.  This I agree with.  Many times entrepreneurs stand in the way of creative people because they cannot give up control of their baby.

I did not really agree with his selection process. He contends that great entrepreneurs are B students, and great managers are A students - the entrepreneurs are good at a lot of things and master of none and the managers are excellent at one or two things. Considering I have been an entrepreneur in the past and am an A student, I disagree with this completely. Additionally, I have been given advice that being a "jack of all trades" and "master of none" was a terrible position sell to potential employers.  I would far prefer an A student over a B student - if I could afford them!

In all, its a very quick read and there are some interesting anecdotes, but it's probably not really worth your time if you are a well rounded business person. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 Hour Body Blood Test Results

I had a lipid panel done on 1/21/2011 just as I was starting to diet, and the results were scary.  I hadnt started the 4HB stuff until 1/31/2011.

For those of you that are searching for PAGG results, the diet slow carb diet results or the cold shower results, stop looking and view my blood test results. They speak for themselves.  I've stopped 2 medications I was on and have cut my risk of heart disease in half and now am considered normal and even below normal for most metrics.  My doctor said he has NEVER had a patient turn around as fast as I have.  And the truth is, it wasnt that hard.  Just daily choices that began to compound. 

Click the image below to see the results. I have the 4.21 on the left, the 1.21 results next, and the percentage change.  Notice his comment too about my AG stack - I asked about these earlier in the year to make sure they were ok with my meds. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 9 tale of the tape using cold therapy and Occam's Protocol

Not as big of a change as last weeks, but that was crazy.  This week I can definately notice the difference in my legs.  And after my brutal leg workout, I really wasnt too sore. Not like in the beginning when I couldnt walk the next day. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Still skeptical? Cold therapy, slow carb diet, and Occam's Protocol results after 60 days

For those of you who are still skeptical about if these approaches work, look at my weekly "Tale of the Tape" updates.  It's not that difficult of a diet and workout program, and I haven't felt this good in YEARS.  I bought size LARGE shirts for the first time in a decade. Stop dipping your toes in the water and jump in. What do you really have to lose?  If you are like me, you've been messing around with dieting and exercise for a long time with limited success.  This works and it works well.  

Things have been extra busy with wrapping up my masters program, but soon I will do another video update, and I think you will be able to see the results.