Sunday, March 15, 2009

Business: The Ultimate Resource

I came across this book while doing research for a work. I got it cheaper at

Its unreal. I think its now the largest book it own!

It has great executive summaries of lots of books and academic research articles. It also has about 100 mini biographies on many of MT's favorite people, like Drucker.

The cover says "An MBA between 2 covers" and I really do believe it!

The main sections in the book are

Best Practices - People and Culture, Marketing, Strategy and Competition, Finance, IT/Information Management, Systems, Leadership, Structure, Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance, Renewal and Growth, Productivity, Personal Effectiveness - each of these sections have 15-20 articles or books summarized.

Almost 300 Management Checklists, a Management Library that summarizes lots of great books, a Business thinkers section (Drucker, Deming, Herzberg to name a few), Management Giants (Buffet, Dell, Gillette, Jobs, Welch) and a HUGE dictionary.

This will now be my definitive desk resource on almost anything, along with the casts and forums from here of cour

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nero Hell

Ok. So i USED to like nero. I hate it. For no reason at all, my dvd burner, an Asus DRW-2014l1T stopped recognizing bland dvds. Everything else worked fine. So I thought it was Nero. I uninstalled it. Then I thought it was my motherboard bios. Looked into flashing that. Didn't feel like going through that at 10pm.

After 2 hours of searching I found someone recommending CCleaner. I tired it once but it didnt work. I finally resigned to re-formatting my computer. I hadnt done it in about a year, so why not.

But, just before I was going to start that process, I decided to run CCleaner again. I noticed that it didn't fix ALL my reg errors the first time. I ran it like 4 times until it couldn't find anymore reg errors.

It totally worked!! I had to run it a few times but it worked. I had uninstalled Nero, but it left a bunch of crap behind.
Now I have to find some Chippy Chap, and go to bed!!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Glenn Beck is a friend of mine....

My first exposure to Glenn Beck was a piece he did on foreign oil, the large conspiracy by American car companies to purchase and kill those new 'green' technologies, and how important it is for us all to understand this.

I at first thought this was going to be an attack on the evil American car companies by a Liberal nutjob. I was wrong. It was a piece about why its so important to stop the flow of capital into countries that wish ill will on the US. I couldnt beleive that this was CNN. More recentlyl, an analysis in Time Magazine of all the news shows out discussin the bailouts and the economy, Beck had the most economists on to talk about the nuts and bolts, with 22.

He is typically middle of the road and he gets mad at both sides. The He has recently joined Fox News. An insider at CNN stated that negotiations fell apart when CNN decided to stop airing the repeat of his show in the 9pm time slot, and instead, will put Lou Dobbs on.

The first airing of Beck, which is on at 7, gets 375,000 viewers. His 9pm slot gets 485,000. So Lou Dobbs, with his AMAZING personality, will get 500,000? I think not. I think that CNN didnt like the conservative slant that Beck has, even though he goes after everyone fairly. They would rather lose money than have anyone with a conservative thought on their network. And people are up in arms because Fox News is a slant to the right? Please. NBC, CBS (or whats left of it), ABC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR (but not all of the time) slant heavily to the left. 1 against 7. And they are afraid?